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Commission Info

Commission Info published on

If you have seen something in the Gallery you like, we are always happy to discuss commissioned work.

Here is a list of commissions we can undertake:

  • Comic Art – either complete pages, pencils, inks or colours
  • Pin ups or Portraits
  • Pencil Sketches
  • Character Design
  • Editing or Reviewing comic scripts

It’s difficult to give prices on individual services, but if you are interested we are always happy to hear from you and will discuss prices in private – you can email us using the email address below – it’s in an image to prevent spam 🙂



Onward, into the future!

Onward, into the future! published on No Comments on Onward, into the future!

I’m really excited today. Octavia has spent about a week packing up Granted and Scions and trundling them over to our shiny new WordPress structure, and we’re now ready to show them off! This format should be fairly familiar to people who have been reading our comic (or any webcomic, really) so far, and there are lots of new options for interaction and navigation that will hopefully make your life (and ours) easier.

We’re always happy to hear from people about the comic. You can now comment about the pages and I promise I will check to see who is reading and commenting and I’ll respond when I can. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and, as always, thanks for reading!


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